Jackson Central High School Alumni Association Inc
Officers and Board of Directors
Jim Bloodworth (58) President 158 Belle Pointe Madison MS 39110 jimbloodworth@comcast.net |
Kate Sharp (68) Treasurer 266 Washington
Ridgeland MS 39157 Jackson MS libmon@comcast.net |
Linda Shaw Brune (62) 1st Vice President 580 S Pear Orchard #308 Ridgeland MS 39157 lbrune@downtown-jackson.com |
Caroll Garrett 2nd Vice President 8400 Anderson Rd Edwards MS 39066 |
William M (Billy) Beard (52) Curator PO Box 9936 Jackson MS 39286 |
Sue Crenshaw Barron (66) Secretary 52 Barron Dr Sontag MS 39665 sunny@sleekcom.com |
Midge Samsel (58) Director of Public Relations 1206 Bay Vista Brandon MS 39047 migsmsl@aol.com |
M. Larry Edwards Historian larryedwards5@aol.com |
Board of Directors |
Pat Landnier (53) Past President 5743 Orchardview Dr Jackson MS 39211 patlad62@bellsouth.net |
Dr Louie Short (50) Jackson MS 39211 |
Ronnie Crowson (60) Jackson MS 39208 crowsonrb@bellsouth.net |
James Branch (66) james_branch@bellsouth.net |
Anthony P Jones (77) Jackson MS 39212 |
Joe Wood (67) joewood505@bellsouth.net |
Kenneth J Chambliss (77) Jackson MS 39209 |
Durward Hopkins (49) Mize MS 39116 |